We sing our committed life ever since the very beginning of our age. We wrote our memories of this place, drew our faces in every corner of its building. We long to go back for that memories and path. Committing to a particular path in life comes more easily when you know what you're committing to and who or what will support you along the way. It's the
beauty of being a SEMINARIAN.


Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012 sore dan Minggu, 29 Juli 2012, Rm Deni akan memimpin misa 5 kali di Paroki Santa Perawan Maria Blok Q, dan Rm Tanto 4 kali misa di Paroki Aloysius Gonzaga Cijantung Jakarta. Mohon doa dari semua teman sekalian supaya lewat kegiatan ini Seminari Tuka diberkati dengan limpah.

Selamat akhir pekan.

Terima kasih

Saturday, July 28, 2012 (afternoon) and Sunday, July 29, 2012, Rm Deni will lead the mass (five times) in the Parish of the Blessed Virgin Mary Block Q, and Rm Tanto (four times) in the Parish of Aloysius Gonzaga at Cijantung Jakarta. Expecting prayers from all friends so this activity may bring abundant blessings for Seminary Tuka.

Happy weekend.

Thank you

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Meaning - a meditation by Anthony de Mello SJ

A Meditation by Anthony de Mello, SJ

Said a traveler to one of the disciples,
"I have traveled a great distance
to listen to the Master,
but I find his words quite ordinary."
"Don't listen to his words.
Listen to his message."

"How does one do that?"

"Take hold of a sentence that he says.
Shake it well
till all the words drop off.
What is left will set
your heart on fire."

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